Friday, October 18, 2013
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Sunday, October 31, 2010
The Female Gunman
THE YOUNG WOMAN was taken in by her UNCLE after the death of her father and mother to "HIS" hands. She's grown up after surviving her battle wounds, as she too barely made it out alive. She now wields weapons of her and her uncle's designs. Not only is she battling against "Him," but she's battling for the freedom of her brainwashed TWIN BROTHER, who "He" controls.
Recommended process: Design the thumb-nails of all of them and flesh out the best of characters/environment. Establish time periods, target audience, and final platform, or medium (design with the end in mind).
1. The Young Woman: Must be "Young" in appearance (I'm cool with Vampire or elf like age); It's up to you if she knows if her twin brother is alive or not (does she know she's fighting her brother?) Remember battle scars. Has she lost anything besides her parents? (Is one of her arms mechanical? Perhaps an eye patch? Or just visible scarring? )
2. The Uncle: Must be older than young woman (Maybe close to the same age? How would that change the dynamics?) An inventor, or designer of sorts. Does he have a strange process for designing? Sketches all over (clichéd) or through 3-d? (Maybe cheesy After Effects videos). Does he too have battle wounds? Doesn't have to be a true uncle ("Just call me uncle Jeff").
Saturday, October 30, 2010
The female Gunman (cont.)
3. "Him": Mysterious evil dude. Try combining him with some animal that might be considered evil. (Rat, hyena, cat, clichéd snake, an evil chicken, a hell-moose, a fish, ect. Whatever, just have the finish evil). Why is he mysterious? Give him a tinge of crazy (Does he dress like a woman? Why? Those are lady's clothes. Is cotton really that uncomfortable?) or a flawed philosophical belief (“He” some how believes it’s okay to kill people, or at least steal and brainwash infants) Something must be wrong with him.
4. The Twin Brother: Should be the same age as the Young Woman (unless you can convince otherwise; time traveling brother who lost his memory and found by “Him”?) Was he harmed during the incident also? Does the Young Woman know the relationship? Are they fraternal or identical twins? Why doesn’t he want to fight on the side of his sister? (Is he completely under the control of “Him” or does he strongly believe in “He” to be the real hero? Or Does he not know they’re related, why? Scars or does the young woman’s costume not reveal her face?)
DON’T create the parents, they’re flat characters. (Unless you really want to show there deaths. You sick m#@%&#$ F$)$er.)
For the environment folks: Uncle’s lab, “His” lab, The young girl’s or twin brother’s training ground, The destroyed family home (probably easier to design the undestroyed home and then destroy it). Sorry, I’m a character guy, environments are a bit strange to me. Argg! I’m too wordy!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Sehkmet, Goddess of War
Monday, September 20, 2010
WeeK 32 Femme Fatales
It is pretty open to interpetation...just be sure to focus on the female form!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
New topic discussion
Pinup, Heroic, horror, high fantasy, cyber punk, ect...
As long as it's female, what's a good theme to draw women in?
Feedback boys, let's hash this out.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I really wanna color him, but here he is, ladies!
After being captured by his nemesis Brett Buffbrain, Professor Diabolical had no choice! To avoid a lengthy prison term, he programed robots to graft his brain onto a Tyrannosaurus Rex (leftover from a previous adventure). Unfortunately, the Professor's brain could not operate the motor and lower brain functions of his new partner, so they now share a glass brain case, while the now even more fearsome super villain controls higher thought, improvised human speech and facial expression.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monkey Business!
Week 31 Parasites...
So Im just gonna throw this one out there. mysterious power of the jewel wasp, also known as the emerald cockroach wasp. Wasp that injects venom into cockroach brains and drives them around by there antennae, so maybe concept a parasite that controls a host, or something like that guy who walked around with that little dude on hes shoulders in mad max.
Compliments.......of Mr Adam Russ
Monday, September 13, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Army For No One

Tuesday, August 31, 2010
New Banner
Thanks Againd Dustin the new banner looks great!
Monday, August 30, 2010

p.s. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I can't figure out why my images aren't enlarging. arg!
I'm a big fan of character design, I also think we should all be drawing until it hurts, so let's do some character designs...
I think for this week let's do..."An Army of ...One?
Instead of just going by the topic, let's do Five (5) different designs for one type of character, Military, Trooper, Pilot, Hitman, Warrior, Guerrilla Soldier, etc, etc. Some type of action like character, and think "Concept Art" I mean this is "Concepts" weekly.
It doesn't end there! let's see the progress, I am really impressed with the posts we get that show the progress, so do thumbnail, draw accessories, do sharpie silhouettes. Don't stress on polishing it.
here is a link to a page of reference, also browse the site if you'd like...
Here's another good page.....
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Big Bear!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
We were watching Monsters, inc. with my son today and I have to admit, I really love that movie, the one thing that really caught my attention was how, in the monster world, they lived almost exactly like humans, except a lot of what they did was opposite of our world...
So when it comes to animals, creatures, inanimate objects and the like, I love giving them human qualities, also called Anthropomorphism.
For this week I propose...."If only we were human"
If Pixar can make toys, bugs, cars and fish live with human qualities, why can't we come up with something original.
for anyone who may need a more thorough explanation...
Monday, August 23, 2010