Thursday, July 8, 2010

who let the bugs out

Genetic experiment gone horribly wrong, so what does a genetically altered super bug eat.....anything it wants!!

used a sculpted head I had, and made the bugs out of zspheres in z-brush, along with the hills in the back. Photo bashed that biohazard sign, and everything else was done in PS.

Crits are most welcome, Ill try and revise


  1. also used that leg and arm from a previous sculpt

  2. Your final piece, thus far, is very muddy. The head looks really cool. The bug pulling at the eye socket seems to be pulling flesh as opposed to the eyeball. I like the addition of the ant hills, but they seem much smaller than the bugs themselves. I would also recommend that you put more variations to the bugs (size, texture, etc.)

  3. The final piece looks surreal and creepy. The head looks awesome but I think it would help if has a bit of expression like the look of pain before its demise. I'm envious and I would love to learn zbrush someday. The overall look is bit flat to me almost collage like. Use contrast (color, value. etc.) especially on areas where you would want things to pop.

  4. The plan was to get more familiar with z-brush over the break. So I checked out a gnomon on z-brush from the library. From what I understand the gnomon's will all soon be on the internet for viewing. This piece was more of an experiment then anything, to try and combine ps with z-brush. I wouldnt call it a success but more of a learning failure. Thank you for the crits, they are most helpfull.

  5. nice use of mixed digital media...I agree with most of the crits...even though there are some issues the peice definatley gives me the creeps..ties into an phobia I have of being eatin by radio active robotic bugs!
