Sunday, April 11, 2010


this is my first post. go easy on me guys, i'm interior design. looking forward to being part of all this and just being creative in general. thanks for all the encouragement and convincing me to join.


  1. So I am confused, which was it... the ass kicking or the name taking, that you did first?... well done my friend, as far as a composition, I ask... whay so much open space directly above the boat? although it looks great to me, I was just wondering what your thoughts were behind this... it reminds me of a fish tank to some extent... or at least a bad ass on I'd like to hve some day. geat job.. keep it up, I am excited to see what you post in the coming weeks...

  2. Looks great, love the graphic shapes of sea plant life. Those graphic designs are way cool, but they do come off a little on the flat side, maybe the fix would be to darken some of those shapes to show that they are overlaping. this piece reminds me of a sponge bob backdrop or any backdrop used for animation, great work..keep it up!!!
