Saturday, May 29, 2010

Return to light

I did this piece as if there were less that .24 of a second to live...and the transition to light. I had a dream that it would be less than a second but feel well over 24hrs or close an eternity. This topic got me all metaphysically thinking!


  1. i like the picture! really tell like a flash of light of 24 second! the theme of dreaming also work!

  2. You did great in my opinion. I really liked it right away. I love that you went metaphysical with it. I also really enjoy the saturated colors.

  3. cool man, looks like you smoked something really good in your last moments :P kidding.
    the piece gives off a lot of inner emotion captured pretty well visibly. definelty some kind of peace you found in it.

  4. awesome concept, i love how it's like breaking thru the universe or something...
