Monday, February 22, 2010

AAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!!! Im gonna eat your face kid!!!!!!!!!!



  2. First blood... looks great this picture has a sinister feel to it gives me the creeps. I am having a hard time grasping the space in which the scene is taking place. Maybe a litle more fall of and atmosphere towards the left where the window would help to push your eye forword the crisp edges on the window and the curtains are a distraction. overall disturbing= good job

  3. Great work Adam! The only thing that is somewhat unclear is the lightest vs. darkest contrast making a focal point at the window. Maybe this light vs. dark contrast could be moved more towards the center to highlight the relationship between the 2 characters. Regardless, I really like the composition and design of the figures. Nice work.

  4. thanks, looks like I might have to make some revisions before weeks end. The direction is most appreciated.

  5. I already told you what I thought, in terms of the placement of the right hand and the value grouping. Good illustration though. Keep it up man.

  6. I would have rather seen you revamp this one and not post the ......
